TSNet error 6

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sat Sep 2 17:10:37 EDT 2017

It happens to other users in other places, but only occasionally -- 
though we haven't got a whole lot of users yet, mostly just the client 
and some testers. The reason we started looking into this is because the 
client was giving a demo and it totally failed (ouch. He was trying to 
sell it.) So we started trying to reproduce the problem. None of us had 
any trouble on our home networks. One of us went to a coffee shop and 
could reproduce it there. The client had the problem at the location of 
his demo, went home and still had the problem, then suddenly at home it 
started working again. Up until that day he'd had no issues on his home 
network (I wonder if it was storing the DNS from the demo site. Is that 
a thing?)

It is always the same error and is unpredictable. We're sending the 
tester back to the coffee shop on Monday so we can experiment with 
turning off https.

On 9/2/17 8:39 AM, Ralph DiMola wrote:
> I would zero in on the https thing. If the user can get to an https web-site via Safari/Chrome on the same server as your DB then tsNet should work unless there is a bug in tsNet. The slack also problem has me concerned with the router. If we eliminate the tin-foil-hat possibilities then could there be a router issue in the coffee shop? Does this happen with other users in other places? I've seen routers do some strange things until a re-boot. The age of the router(or a pending firmware update) could also be in play. It's just so hard when you have no/zero/nada control over network connectivity.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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