Socket help needed for API

Richard Miller wow at
Sun Oct 29 07:49:06 EDT 2017

I have been using LC to access an API through conventional means, but 
that site has now changed to a socket protocol. I have tried various 
methods, but just can’t get it to work.

I would appreciate it if someone familiar with sockets could take a look 
and show me how to do this. I only need to know how to establish a 
connection and receive data. I can take it from there.

The information I am looking to receive is what is produced through this 
now deprecated API. It is a list of all of the digital tokens being 
traded at this site. (Note: you may have to send this link a few times 
in order to get a response. The site is often overloaded.)


I want to receive the same information, but using the new socket-based 
API shown here.

Thank you very much for help with this.
Richard Miller

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