not really OT: The Coming Software Apocalypse

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Oct 3 21:11:55 EDT 2017

Alejandro Tejada wrote:

 > Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> They're still undocumented, designed for IDE use
 >> and subject to change.
 > Ok, that explains why Google could not find
 > any information about this.
 > Maybe this info could help developers that are having
 > trouble with their mobile apps. Could we save our log
 > files and sent them automatically to the app developer
 > in a mobile app? That could be really helpful.
 > Really helpful.

Logging in general can be useful.

Logging every handler that gets triggered throughout a session less so.

Big logs, performance impairment, only useful if the log gets to the 
developer (and even then sifting through it can be a bear).

Lean usage logs can be good, though.

I tend to use messageMessages logging only when I have a problem I can't 
diagnose through other means.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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