not really OT: The Coming Software Apocalypse

Lagi Pittas iphonelagi at
Tue Oct 3 10:31:15 EDT 2017

Hi Bob

That's why I said the Function part would be good - basically a LIVE
interactive debugger - the coding to do all the rest in a REAL programming
language rather than an animation studio or a testbed is way out of my
league - But given time and money anything is possible .... Except ......

And since you brought it up  what are are you saying? We have gone  to the
Moon or Not, or that programming and engineering is too complex to do
create the particular software system that Bret Victor envisages?

Anyway I'm with Richard Feynman so  "I don't care what other people think"
I'm 99.999999% certain we didn't go yo the moon- you can only be 100% sure
that you exist. I only came to this conclusion in the 90's even though the
evidence was overwhelming then, but it keeps piling up. This is coming from
someone who remembers EXACTLY where he was and what he was eating and
drinking when Neil Armstrong was getting his lines wrong. It was Milk  and
a Blue Riband biscuit. It took me a LOOOooong time to acknowledge I had
been lied to but sometimes you have to admit it.

I say the above knowing many will call me an idiot and such but the people
on this board are "Smarter than the average Bear" and would hope that they
assume that when I say this, it is  not by looking at one side, but looking
at all sides even giving the benefit of the doubt in some cases. But giving
the benefit of the doubt on more than 10 or 15 anomalies stretches
Cognitive Dissonance to the limit.

If this is not the place for a discussion how about we take it to the off
topic area in the forum - if nothing else it might bring in the "crazies"
to find Livecode when searching for info about Apollo;-)

<FLAME ON> - but i would prefer discourse - I am still open minded. --


On 2 October 2017 at 15:51, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> This article is exactly why I contend that man can never travel to other
> planets never mind solar systems, and colonize them. The complexity of
> something so vast as to be able to get us there would be failing all the
> time, and we would have to be able to anticipate those failures, and take
> repair parts several times more tham we predict we might need "just to be
> safe". Then you get out there, some code that runs the life support starts
> shutting it down, and the guy who wrote the code is back on planet earth
> too far away to communicate with. No one on earth would ever know how they
> all died.
> No my friends and fellow man, we are made of the earth, for the earth.
> Bob S
> > On Sep 30, 2017, at 10:31 , Mark Wieder via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > Long read, but worth the effort:
> >
> >
> saving-the-world-from-code/540393/
> >
> > --
> > Mark Wieder
> > ahsoftware at
> >
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