DragDrop makes windows unresponsive OS X

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Mar 24 16:33:21 EDT 2017

Interesting. I added the exit to top yesterday because it seemed to fix the responsiveness problem. It has been working without exit to top and pass dragdrop of over 2 years. I think it's because I am not acually allowing the drop to happen, but rather intercepting it, getting the dragData ["text"] and entering it into the field by script (would that be scripturally??) which might explain why the window becomes unresponsive the way I am doing it. The drop never *actually* happens, and that explains why exit to top corrects the issue. 

So here is the new code and this works a peach!

on dragDrop
   put cleanASCII(the dragData ["text"], cModeList, cCustomChars) into tDragData
   put titleCase(tDragData, false) into tDragData -- capitalize first letter of each word
   set the dragData ["text"] to tDragData
   pass dragDrop
end dragDrop

The trick then is to allow the drop to happen, but clean up the dragData ["text"] first! Now it makes perfect sense. Thanks Jacque! Now I get to refactor the refactored refactorization that was initially refactored some time ago. <sigh>

Bob S

> On Mar 24, 2017, at 12:21 , J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> The first thing to try would be replacing "exit to top" with "pass dragdrop". If you don't pass the command, the drop doesn't happen.

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