Messages sent while mouse is down?

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Sat Mar 11 20:00:59 EST 2017

If the names of the tiles are numbered in a logical way, and only go
horizontal, and vertical, then all you need to know is the start spot, and
the end spot, and can fill in the gaps between.

On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Quentin Long via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> sez Tim Selander <selander at>:
> > I miss the Zynga "Pathwords" game on Facebook, so for my own
> > amusement I'm trying to recreate it in Livecode.
> >
> > For those who don't know the game, it had a solid screenful of
> > Scrabble-like lettered tiles. Click and drag the mouse through
> > adjacent letters to make words.
> >
> > Without clicking, simply moving the mouse through the tiles
> > (fields) triggers mouseenter, mouseleave, etc. which makes it
> > easy to pick up the letters.
> >
> > But when the mouse is down, it seems mouseloc() is the only thing
> > I can get. Using a variable what has all the field rectangles, I
> > can use the mouseloc() to ultimately identify the field under the
> > pointer, but it's too slow...
> >
> > Does a moving mouse with the button down trigger any other
> > messages besides mouseloc()?
> I see that Mike Bonner has already provided a solution which seems to do
> what you want. But just in case there are other people out there who might
> need a different solution, here's my stab at it…
> If you have a "screenful of Scrabble-like lettered tiles", these "tiles"
> are presumably arranged in a rectangular grid, with neatly aligned rows and
> columns. If this is the case, the locations of the row-tiles are going to
> be separated by X number of pixels, such that row-tile 1 has X-coördinate
> A; row-tile 2 has X-coördinate (A + X); row-tile 3 has X-coordinate (A +
> 2*X); and so on.
> Column-tiles will work similarly. Their locations will be separated by Y
> number of pixels, such that column-tile 1 has Y coördinate B; column-tile 2
> has Y coördinate (B + Y); column-tile 3 has Y coördinate (B + 2*Y); and so
> on.
> If the grid's horizontal spacing is identical to its vertical spacing, the
> separation-values X and Y will be the same, of course. Given the fact that
> pixels are not *necessarily* square, it would be imprudent to *assume* that
> the grid's horizontal and vertical separation-values are identical, and I
> will not make that assumption here.
> So.
> My solution to Tim Selander's problem completely ignores most of the
> mouse[whatever] messages, depending strictly on mouseLoc. Like so:
> local dX = 25 -- if the horizontal-spacing value is not 25, put the real
> value here
> local dY = 25 -- again, replace 25 with the real value as needed
> local TimeSlice = 50 -- how often, in milliseconds, the code checks the
> mouseLoc. adjust as needed for response time
> local GridLocPulse
> global GridCell = "1,1"
> on GridLoc
>   if (GridLocPulse) then send GridLoc to me in TimeSlice milliseconds
>   put the mouseLoc into ThisLoc
>   put (1 + (item 1 of ThisLoc div dX)) into item 1 of GridCell -- may need
> tweaking to account for edge effects
>   put (1 + (item 2 of ThisLoc div dY)) into item 2 of GridCell -- ditto
> end GridLoc
> on GridLocOn
>   put true into GridLocPulse
>   GridLoc
> end GridLocOn
> on GridLocOff
>   put false into GridLocPulse
> end GridLocOff
> The above code can go into the script of the card where the tile-grid
> lives.
> Once every (TimeSlice) milliseconds, this code looks at the mouseLoc and
> converts the mouse coördinates into grid coördinates, which are stored in
> the global variable GridCell. GridCell being a global, its contents should
> be accessible to any handler in any script which includes the line "global
> GridCell".
> It's probably a good idea to *not* have the GridLoc handler burning
> clock-cycles *all the time*. Thus, the local variable GridLocPulse, and the
> subsidiary handlers GridLocOn and GridLocOff. GridLocOn activates the
> GridLoc handler, and GridLocOff turns GridLoc off.
> Hope this helps…
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