Remote debugger

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Mar 5 01:53:18 EST 2017

Never mind… went thru the whole process again. on android → force stop the app and then the IDE says the debugging session closed.

Awesome I found an obscure bug or rather difference

binfile://someAppPath/Unicode.txt  into myNewText

works on iOS and Mac OSX

but not on android

only 1 slash allowed.. 

binfile:/someAppPath/Unicode.txt  into myNewText #now works everywhere

This is a great step forward! Thank you Monte for the hard work!



On 3/4/17, 8:37 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of use-livecode at> wrote:

    So far, so good; but I could "escape out" -- my app is locked upon the phone, (because I'm in the script editor no doubt) app and IDE on my desktop is locked. There was no way to return to development and look at the source.. I had to quit my main stack and start it again… on the phone I went to settings/Apps/SivaSiva -- force stop…did not have to quit LC though…

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