Google Static Maps Problem

hh hh at
Fri Jun 30 22:33:19 EDT 2017

This is the LC translation of the linked javascript from stackoverflow:
(I checked and simplfied a little bit the math, the Mercator projection is OK,
very clever there!):

It works here, happy mapping:

local MERCATOR_RANGE=256, pixelOrigin, pixelsPerLonDegree, pixelsPerLonRadian

on mouseUp
  put (55.9537534,-3.1988236) into centerPoint -- LC Home coords
  put 10 into zom   -- zoom
  put 600 into wdth -- image width
  put 450 into hght -- image height
  put getCorners (centerpoint,zom,wdth,hght)
  -- result is: "SW: 28.207002,-3.610811,NE: 28.262167,-2.786836"
end mouseUp

function getCorners center,zom,mapWidth,mapHeight
  put (MERCATOR_RANGE/2, MERCATOR_RANGE/2) into pixelOrigin
  put MERCATOR_RANGE/360 into pixelsPerLonDegree
  put pi*MERCATOR_RANGE/2 into pixelsPerLonRadian
  put 2^zom into scle
  put fromLatLngToPoint(center) into centerPx
  put ( (item 1 of centerPx)-(mapWidth/2)/scle, \
        (item 2 of centerPx)+(mapHeight/2)/scle ) into SWPoint
  put fromPointToLatLng(SWPoint) into SWLatLon
  put ( (item 1 of centerPx)+(mapWidth/2)/scle, \
        (item 2 of centerPx)-(mapHeight/2)/scle ) into NEPoint
  put fromPointToLatLng(NEPoint) into NELatLon
  return ("SW: " & SWLatLon, "NE: "& NELatLon)
end getCorners
function bound val, opt_min, opt_max
  if (opt_min is not empty) then put max(val, opt_min) into val
  if (opt_max is not empty) then put min(val, opt_max) into val
  return val
end bound

function degreesToRadians deg
  return deg * pi / 180;
end degreesToRadians

function radiansToDegrees rad
  return 180 * rad / pi
end radiansToDegrees

function fromLatLngToPoint latLng, opt_point
  put opt_point into point
  put pixelOrigin into origin
  put (item 1 of origin)+(item 2 of latLng)*pixelsPerLonDegree into item 1 of point
  put bound(sin(degreesToRadians(item 1 of latLng)), -0.9999, 0.9999) into siny
  put (item 2 of origin)+0.5*log10((1-siny)/(1+siny))*pixelsPerLonRadian into item 2 of point
  return point
end fromLatLngToPoint
function fromPointToLatLng point
  put pixelOrigin into origin
  put (item 1 of point -item 1 of origin)/pixelsPerLonDegree into lng
  put (item 2 of origin-item 2 of  point)/pixelsPerLonRadian into latRadians
  put radiansToDegrees(2*atan(exp(latRadians))-pi/2) into lat
  return (lat,lng)
end fromPointToLatLng
// pixelCoordinate = worldCoordinate * 2^zoomLevel

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