Shell - c Full Example
sundown at
Thu Jun 29 22:40:24 EDT 2017
The following shows you how to compile c code
from the terminal and run it in Livecode.
1. Open a text editor and paste the following
c code;
#define MAX 100
char* getReverse(char const []);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char *rev;
char const *str = argv[1];
if (argc != 2)
printf("Enter 1 arguments and try again.\n");
return 1;
rev = getReverse(str);
return 0;
char* getReverse(char const str[]){
static int i=0;
static char rev[MAX];
rev[i++] = *str;
return rev;
Save the above code on the desktop as stringR.c
2. Open the terminal and type the following;
cd ~/Desktop
gcc -o stringR stringR.c
The compiled code should be on your desktop now.
3. Open Livecode and paste the following into a button.
Make sure you have a field as shown below.
on mouseUp
set the defaultFolder to "~/Desktop"
put quote & ".detrela erew sgod gniffins bmob yhw wenk snruB & stnaR oidar ORIK elttaeS ylno ... ...gof eht ni god eht gniklaw saw ehS" & quote into tFILE1
put shell( "./stringR" && tFILE1) into pData
put pData into fld id <YOURFIELD>
beep 2
end mouseUp
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