Momentum Scrolling Script
Jonathan Lynch
jonathandlynch at
Wed Jun 28 12:05:38 EDT 2017
Hi everyone,
I just created and tested a momentum scrolling script on my iPhone, and it
appears to work quite well, so I thought I would share it here. It also
works on desktop with mouse dragging. If you see improvements, please share
1. Make sure to have accelerated rendering on for the stack.
2. Make sure to set the layer mode of the group to "scrolling" for mobile
devices, so it will be fully responsive to the touch.
3. You can adjust the various constants in this script to alter the
duration, speed, and length of momentum scrolling. Just play with it as
Here is the script:
Local StartDrag
Local AllowDrag
Local StartDragMil
Local CumulativeMomentum
on mousedown
focus on nothing
if word 1 of the name of the target = "button" or the isbutton of the
target = 1 then
exit mousedown
end if
put (the mouseV)+(the vScroll of me) into AllowDrag
put the milliseconds into StartDragMil
put (the mouseV) into StartDrag
repeat with CM = 1 to 5
put 0 into CumulativeMomentum[CM]
end repeat
send momentumAccumulate to me in 0 milliseconds
end mousedown
on momentumAccumulate
if mouse(1) <> "down" then
exit momentumAccumulate
end if
put the milliseconds-StartDragMil into tTimeForLastMove
put (the mouseV) into tCurrentMouseV
put tCurrentMouseV - StartDrag into tLastDistanceCovered
if tTimeForLastMove = 0 then
put 1 into tTimeForLastMove
end if
repeat with CM = 5 down to 2
put CumulativeMomentum[CM-1] into CumulativeMomentum[CM]
end repeat
put (tLastDistanceCovered*10) / tTimeForLastMove into
put tCurrentMouseV into StartDrag
put the milliseconds into StartDragMil
send momentumAccumulate to me in 5 milliseconds
end momentumAccumulate
on mousemove
if AllowDrag <> empty then
set the vScroll of me to AllowDrag-(the mouseV)
end if
end mousemove
on mouseup
put empty into AllowDrag
put 0 into tCMTotal
Repeat with CM = 1 to 5
add CumulativeMomentum[CM] to tCMTotal
end Repeat
put tCMTotal/5 into tAverageMomentum
put tAverageMomentum * 30 into tRemainingDistance
doMomentumScrolling tRemainingDistance,50
end mouseup
on doMomentumScrolling tRemainingDistance, tCount
if tCount > 50 then
exit doMomentumScrolling
end if
if mouse(1) is "down" then
exit doMomentumScrolling
end if
put tRemainingDistance/15 into tDistanceToMove
put the vScroll of me into tVScroll
set the vScroll of me to tVScroll - tDistanceToMove
put tRemainingDistance-tDistanceToMove into tRemainingDistance
put tCount-1 into tCount
send "doMomentumScrolling tRemainingDistance, tCount" to me in 5
end doMomentumScrolling
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