How do we access the clipboard on mobile devices?

hh hh at
Tue Jun 27 17:37:14 EDT 2017

> What is "js-package"?  If the "js" isn't JavaScript, what is it?

I used "package" in the sense of npm. Most packages are modules
And yes, js is short for javascript, the usual file ending.

Using the browser widget enables HTML5 as a superset of javascript
for us. For example HTML5/canvas2d supplies very fast dataURL-methods
that we can use via javascript to access the raw data. This is faster
than working with 'directly' created Uint8ClampedArrays.

Interesting in this context is the original name of js: "LiveScript".

> But if we look at the types of externals most commonly used in LC at
> the  moment, we have tsNet, the MER collection, and others, most of
> which  provide some pretty great functionality but are rarely creating
> GUI  controls.

"Creating GUI controls" is rather seldom. I write more about "using LC as
a GUI" for some 'outsourced' actions, quite different and inherent to most
if not all MER-externals.

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