Exploring A Single File Deploy on Windows

Dan Friedman dan at clearvisiontech.com
Fri Jun 23 13:56:08 EDT 2017

I second this motion!   PLEASE!   We must have some way to work BEFORE the eternals are loaded.  Furthermore, we should be able to define where the externals will be saved and loaded.  Requiring that externals must be in the same directory as the exe is far to limiting!

New DataGrids and fancy new features are fine.  But this seems like a core feature that has been overlooked!

We have to deliver our app in the next few weeks.  I hope LC offers a solution in time!


On 2017-06-21 22:47, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
> Could you expand on this a little bit? StandaloneSaving/Saved are only
> sent during a build, so I'm not sure how I'd use those to intercept a
> startup message.

Yes but they could be used at standalone building time (probably will
require a little bit of reordering of processes slightly) so stacks
could embed their resources in a stackfile.

> Also, when do the externals actually load? If they load at startup
> before any messages are sent, then won't the externals already be done
> with before the stack receives the startup message?

At present they are bound before the startup message - which is the
problem as there is no opportunity for script to run.

Currently, you can do the suck up and spit out method - you just mustn't
mark the externals as 'included' in the s/b... And then add code to
standaloneSaving / standaloneSaved:

standaloneSaving (to augment your stackfile with what is needed)
    create a substack of your mainstack file which contains the externals
you want in custom props
    a library stack handler in the substack which spits out and sets the
externals property of itself

standaloneSaved (to reset your stackfile to what it was before)
   delete the substack

Then in the startup handler of your standalone mainstack, 'start using'
the substack if it is present. That should then load the externals which
you've spat out to disk in an appropriate place.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at livecode.com<http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-livecode> ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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