Preference for Keeping Saved Empty Button Scripts Empty

Paul Hibbert paul at
Mon Jun 19 13:58:26 EDT 2017

On Jun 19, 2017, at 8:19 AM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> so, does it make sense to request a feature enhancement to add a preference to *not* insert any handler in buttons/widgets, whose scripts are empty if inadvertently opened?  there would need to be a way to differentiate between one newly created vs one that was previously instantiated, whose script had been emptied and saved

But, if you simply close the control’s script after inspecting it without ‘saving’ it, then the control has no script, so there’s no need to try to save an empty script.
The control only has an empty mouseUp handler if you save it that way.

To prove it try this:

Create a button by dragging one off the tool palette or from the Object Menu
in the message box, type; put the script of the last button
> The message box result is empty

Now open the script editor for the button and save the default script
in the message box, type; put the script of the last button
> The control's script will show in the message box result



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