Web vs Native (was Re: HTML5 limitations?)

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at hindu.org
Fri Jul 28 10:47:55 EDT 2017

Matt wrote:

    Except that they've aged
    out of the phase where it's easy to learn new things. So they feel like an
    idiot baby and it takes way too much effort to push through the learning

LOL, hence my surprise after listening to some complaints by older folks about the navigation in our new app, when some 8 year olds and 15 year olds tried it and just "had a ball/adventure" with it.

As for web app vs native app, @Richard Gaskin  You *can*, obviously, build a "web app" (html5+js+css) and  package it in the app and run it off line. 
another lad here on our team builds in ionic/React/Angular. But his app is "native" to the phone, appears in stores.

 In your quest for understanding,  does your idea of "web app" cover this? or are *only* think "delivered runtime from web servers."

At any rate, I would re-iterate Jonathan's earlier sentiment, that, unless you are a super JS expert, once you get past the presentation layer, doing a lot of work that requires manipulation of data, more complex framework integration of many elements, Livecode would put you far ahead in terms of productivity and transparency. 

And even if you *could* you could actually do all that with JS, it would be such a horrible snake pit that you and only you could possibly maintain it, scale it or refactor it.

Hence oft-repeated prayer that we get the browser "widget" to become a true member of the LC message hierarchy, they we can leverage the web apps eye candy layer (easy to build, responsive, CSS is already done for us…) with LC powerful framework, so that we don't have to waste time using JS to get work done, but use it just for "clicking here and there" while LC does the heavy lifting in the background.


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