Web vs Native (was Re: HTML5 limitations?)
hh at hyperhh.de
Wed Jul 26 17:06:23 EDT 2017
> Mike K. wrote:
> My perception is that the web experience is very close to a desktop-native
> experience, and the two are almost interchangable. Running an app in a
> browser feels and works almost the same as a native one does.
The HTML5 standalone builder has greatly improved within the last year. Besides
networking and javascript-interaction with the calling web page are these my
Compared to the LC IDE/desktop standalones there was in July 2016 at about a slow
down by factors of 3 (Safari) over 5 (Firefox) to 10 (Chrome/Opera). This is now
down to a slow down by factors of 2 (Safari), 4 (Firefox) and 6 (Chrome/Opera).
Loading speed is here at an average of 50 MBit/s down to less than 10 seconds
and reloading down to 3 secs using Safari, 6 secs using Firefox and 8 secs using
Chrome/Opera --- all on desktop. Server settings were optimized for that, as good
as I could do that.
The total minimum file size has doubled up but the new 'type' of html.mem-file
(though four times larger than the previous versions) has improved the overall
startup time significantly.
In sum the best result:
Using Safari on MacOS the slowdown of HTML5 standalones compared to IDE/desktop
standalones has arrived at about a factor of 2.
As the IDE also has improved its performance, this is a result better than I ever
expected to get. And it is at about 10 times faster than the first HTML5 standalones.
OK, these are my own special trials and tests, at least 50 different examples, all
available for you to test by yourself ( hh.on-rev.com/html5/ . Replace "X.html" or
"hhX.html" with ".zip" for the source and compile with whatever version you like.)
There are, sadly, still very basic things missing, which make the HTML5 standalone
builder, TMHO, not yet ready for "beta"-state.
Your experience is *much* better. May be I'm making even basic mistakes that cause
an essential loss of speed and/or performance. And I overlooked simple workarounds
for some missing basic functionality?
So could you please give one (or a few) examples so that we can reproduce such an
"almost interchangability"?
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