Finding errors in a standalone

Charles Warwick charles at
Fri Jul 14 00:01:41 EDT 2017

On 14/07/2017 1:40 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
> On 7/13/17 7:59 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:
>> Yeah - it's the equivalent of that (but writing to a log file) that 
>> makes me think it's tsNetInit that's the problem. But I don't know 
>> what to do next - Internet is included (manually, and hopefully also 
>> by search for inclusions), I'm using Business edition, so why would 
>> tsNetInit fail ?
> Being ignorant of almost everything about internet connection details, 
> I've never called tsNetInit. I just include the internet library in my 
> standalone and it works. I'm gussing it initializes itself when the 
> library loads. What happens if you remove that command?
Is there any chance that the tsNet library was unloaded (by calling: 
dispatch "revUnloadLibrary" to stack "tsNetLibURL") prior to creating 
the standalone?

If it has been unloaded, then you would need to specifically include the 
tsNet inclusion to be able to use tsNet commands directly.

If the tsNet is actually loaded, then including the Internet library 
will automatically include tsNet as well (as tsNetInit will 
automatically be called on startup of revLibURL).



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