OK, the list *really* needs to be fixed

Ben Rubinstein benr at cogapp.com
Tue Jan 3 12:46:41 EST 2017

In reply to this

 >> On 12/31/16 9:53 pm, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>> So far, at least in this round, the people who have been dropped are
>>> using gmail addresses. I've read about issues with gmail before. If
>>> there is a way to whitelist the LiveCode list, that could help. Since
>>> the drops are caused by the refusal of the receiving domain, I don't
>>> think there is much that LiveCode can do. The list is being sent and
>>> actively rejected by Google filters.

(which I don't have in original form because... I got bounced again just 
before xmas and have only just re-enabled delivery!)

... I have nothing to do with gmail, at least in relation to any accounts that 
runrev or its list software knows about, and I've also been bounced at least 
four times in the last few months.

So I don't think it's a gmail thing specifically.

It is interesting because I've not noticed a similar problem on any non-runrev 
lists I subscribe to (including other mailman ones). And come to think of it, 
I'm not sure that I've been bounced from livecode-dev.

Is it that there is a lot of spam being sent to the list (which most of us 
aren't aware of because our mail services or mail clients sweep it away before 
we could see it)? If so I'd expect to see them in the archives, and a on a 
brief scan for the last couple of months I don't see any.

Presumably the only way to debug this is if Heather can catch some of the 
actual bounces messages from our email servers back to Mailman, to see what 
reasons are stated in those bounces. Or if anyone is still running their own 
mail server (why?) and has the problem perhaps they could check their logs.

On 03/01/2017 16:08, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> It is possible that someone's list address got harvested and is being actively used for populating spam headers, in which case Google spam filters would have no way of discerning that the address or entire server was viable.
> Bob S
>> On Dec 31, 2016, at 11:55 , Richmond Mathewson <richmondmathewson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Doesn't say much for Google.
>> Richmond.
>> On 12/31/16 9:53 pm, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>> On 12/31/16 2:16 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>>>> Really: only 4?
>>>> It is a bit farcical.
>>>> Richmond.
>>>> On 12/31/16 12:48 am, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
>>>>> This is about the fourth time I've been unsubscribed in the last few
>>>>> months.
>>> So far, at least in this round, the people who have been dropped are using gmail addresses. I've read about issues with gmail before. If there is a way to whitelist the LiveCode list, that could help. Since the drops are caused by the refusal of the receiving domain, I don't think there is much that LiveCode can do. The list is being sent and actively rejected by Google filters.
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