[ANN] SivaSiva App on Google Play

AndyP smudge.andy at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 26 07:01:32 EST 2017

Congratulations a very nice app.

I've done a quick review that you might be useful.

*Phone *
Nokia 6 
Android version 7.1.2
Internal Memory 32GB Free 22.6GB
SD Card 64GB
Data connection via WIFI

Instead of doing a full step by step usage review I thought having a screen
recording of Installation and Usage might be more useful for you as you can
see the speed of operation in real time followed by a short observational.

*Screen recording here*



Installation was smooth with no problems.

Liked the general layout and the use of background images.

Navigation was logical although I did find myself having to remember where I
was in the app as it is so expansive.

Liked the rounded text content boxes and scrolling of the text was good and
responsive. Noticed that the AppNews differed in this layout scheme?

The search function worked though I wasnt sure what to search for.. thats
just my ignorance of the subject.

*Problems encountered*

In the Songs section about 6:00 in the video the app seemed to hang and I
received a Not Responding message, chose to respond with Wait and all then
continued to work OK.

I had problems dismissing the Share bar at about 10:40 in the video.

Some of the text was a little slow to load but not overly so.

Hope you find this useful, again a very nice app, well done to all involved.

Andy Piddock 

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. 

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