Versions of LC and Xcode
Mike Kerner
MikeKerner at
Tue Dec 19 15:51:29 EST 2017
Doesn't this sound like a good idea for the "Hacking the IDE series" at LCG?
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 12:03 PM, Ralph DiMola via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:
> BR,
> I've been a little under the weather so I can't test. I always rename/move
> the most recent version of Xcode to another folder and download the most
> recent one to the application folder and open it at least once. If you need
> an older version then temporarily rename and move a more recent version to
> another folder then download the older version and open it once in the
> applications folder using the name Then rename/move the older
> version and move the most recent back to applications folder and name it
> This does not fix the building problem with the hardcoded build path and
> the shared prefs in a LC version series. As I said the only way out of this
> rigmarole is:
> 1) Have unique prefs for each LC version. These unique prefs might only
> include the mobile prefs and let the other prefs be shared in a series
> 2) A way of indicating the Xcode version to use the build tools from.
> Things just move too quick not to do these 2 fixes. We have 2 or 3 active
> LC branches being released along with OSX/iOS/Xcode versions out the
> ying-yang not to do these 2 fixes. Have either of these 2 been added to the
> QCC DB? If this could all be done in LCS I would work on it. I can't see a
> downside. This would encourage me to do more testing with DPs and RCs. I
> can't remember a contiguous 30 day period in the last 18 months that my iOS
> prefs were stable.
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdimola at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 10:51 PM
> To: How to use LiveCode
> Cc: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
> Subject: Re: Versions of LC and Xcode
> Hmmm I seem to have gotten myself into the same fix as Ben.
> " Now that I have updated to LC 9.0 DP-10 and LC
> 8.1.8 stable, nothing can build (except 8.1.6 stable - which unfortunately
> doesn't like the widgets in my stack!)."
> I'm on High Sierra 10.13.6, Xcode 9.1 and LC is telling me I don't have
> the required SDK
> @Ralph: I should start saving the old XCodes as you describe.
> so what now? Can we build for iOS on 9 dp 10 and if so, how?
> I’ll go and re-download the previous Xcode 9 from the developer portal…
> see it that helps.
> BR
> On 12/6/17, 11:36 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Ralph DiMola via
> use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> #1 below==>The shared prefs is a problem. I see the same thing.
> Different prefs for each version would solve this. When a new version is
> started for the first time the prefs from the last version in the series(if
> any) should be copied to the new version prefs file. But the rub is... if
> you change some other prefs and go to another version the you lose the
> change.
> #2 below==>True... I always keep the Xcode version to build from in
> the applications folder and name it I put the other versions
> into another folder. When I upgrade Xcode I move the most recent version
> into my "OtherXcodeVersions" folder and rename it with the version number.
> I then download and install the new version into the applications folder.
> Of course I have to go into the LC prefs and fix the Xcode versions. The
> hardwired path to /Applications/ should come from the prefs. Radio
> buttons in the Xcode prefs to indicate==> "Build using tools in this
> version would solve this.
> #3 below==> I agree the docs need to be updated matrix whenever a new
> Xcode/Mac/LC version is released. Even if LC does not support a particular
> combination it should be documented.
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdimola at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode
> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 4:16 PM
> To: Use LiveCode
> Cc: Ben Rubinstein
> Subject: Versions of LC and Xcode
> This continues to be a major source of friction.
> Once again all my versions of LiveCode seem to have been reset so that
> they can't find a version of Xcode they like. (At any time I am probably
> switching between (or have simultaneously open) four version of LC: LC
> 6.7.11; the latest stable version of 8; the latest 8 RC or sometimes DP;
> the latest DP of 9. Admittedly I'm not building iOS apps from 6.7.11.)
> I think that there are two main problems:
> 1) Because preferences are shared between versions of LiveCode. I
> believe it is the case than when switching between versions of LiveCode, if
> the mobile support preferences are opened in a version of LC which doesn't
> play nice with the selected version of Xcode, that path is deleted; so that
> next time the version of LC which was previously happy is opened, the path
> to Xcode is gone.
> The behaviour may be a little more subtle than this, but I believe
> something along these lines is correct.
> 2) Something somewhere along the line of building apps seems to have a
> hardwired path to /Applications/; so that while I may be able to
> maintain a set of different Xcodes in separate folders or separately named,
> LiveCode won't entirely work this way.
> So currently I have XCode 8.3.3 as the 'canonical' version, probably
> because I was using LiveCode 9.0 DP-9. Now that I have updated to LC 9.0
> DP-10 and LC
> 8.1.8 stable, nothing can build (except 8.1.6 stable - which
> unfortunately doesn't like the widgets in my stack!).
> 3) A third problem: I now want to start using LC 8.1.8, the latest
> stable version; what version of Xcode does it use on Mas OS 10.12?
> According to :
> > LiveCode 8.1.8 RC-2 – Xcode 7.2 -Mac OS 10.10 – iOS 9.2 LiveCode
> 8.1.8
> > RC-2 – Xcode 8.2 -Mac OS 10.11 – iOS 10.2 LiveCode 8.1.8 RC-2 – Xcode
> > 9.1 -Mac OS 10.12.6+ – iOS 11.1
> >
> > LiveCode 8.2.0 DP-1 – Xcode 7.2 -Mac OS 10.10 – iOS 9.2 LiveCode
> 8.2.0
> > DP-1 – Xcode 8.2 -Mac OS 10.11 – iOS 10.2 LiveCode 8.2.0 DP-1 – Xcode
> > 8.3 -Mac OS 10.12 – iOS 10.3
> Some things that would make this better:
> 1) When the mobile support preferences were opened, if there is a path
> to a version of Xcode which this version of LC can't use, it would be
> better if it were displayed - but in grey or red or similar to show it's
> not usable - rather than being deleted, this would be better.
> 2) Ensure that iOS standalones can be built if there is a path to a
> valid version of Xcode, regardless of that path.
> 3) Change the list on
> question/
> to a table, with LiveCode versions on one axis, MacOS versions on the
> other, and Xcode/iOS versions in each cell.
> 3b) Update the above to include the current stable 8.1.8!
> I'm off for a stiff drink...
> Ben
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