Xmas LC-elf activity

Mark Waddingham mark at livecode.com
Tue Dec 19 13:30:32 EST 2017

On 2017-12-18 03:56, James At The Hale via use-livecode wrote:
> And so, I wonder, looking over the github milestones....
> Will the long standing and non critical issue still open against
> 8.13rc-1 and 8.20dp-3 be bumped to the next respective versions to
> allow these babies to be released?
> Will the tireless worker elves at Kris Kringle’s Edinburgh office be
> able to wrap up the outstanding 9 dp-11 issues before the Xmas break?
> Will our stockings be stuffed with three new downloads or will they
> remain empty?

The elves have been working quite tirelessly the last couple of weeks 
(even more so the last few days - judging by the UK times of commits / 
PRs on GitHub and internal messages on slack by those who don't live in 
an antipodean timezone)!

The first early christmas present (8.1.9-rc-1) has already been 
delivered, and assuming that no unexpected headwinds affect the course 
of Santa's sleigh there are more expected before the upcoming festive 
break :)

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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