libUrl tsNet and socketTimeoutInterval

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Fri Dec 8 16:05:02 EST 2017


I async also works in iOS just fine and dandy. In My app I am getting the background images for cards while the user first logs in. Async allows the images to be downloaded in the background. This allows me to change images without releasing a new app without hanging the app up when I used blocking libURL. The implementation was so easy it was frightening. I also have 6 of these queued up and running at the same time!

First is a utility(NetworkType) to check the type of networking and a tsNet initialization handler (EISinitTSnet):

function GetNetworkType
   local tLibUrlDriver
      put the behavior of stack"revLibUrl"into tLibUrlDriver
   end try
   if tLibUrlDriver is empty then
      return "Sockets"
      return "tsNet"
   end if
end GetNetworkType

command NetworkType
   if GetNetworkType() = "Sockets" then
      answer"tsNet is disabled"
      answer "tsNet in use"&cr&"Version==>"& tsNetVersion()
   end if
end NetworkType

command EISinitTSnet
   local tResult
      put the result into tResult
      if tResult is not empty then
         if tResult = "tsneterr: Already initialised" then
            answer tResult
         end if
         tsNetSetTimeouts 60, 5000, 5000, 5000, 5, 10000
      end if
   catch someerror
      if IsInternalUser(true) then answer TranslateError(someerror)
   end try
end EISinitTSnet


The Get_Path function below is a function returns paths that are transparent between IDE and mobile. (Richard G. I got sucked into the returning the trailing slash before I realized it was not the best way to do it). I hacked out this code so there could be an error but the basic idea is here.

I call this first handler(StartBackgroundImageDownload) 12 time quickly and all the downloads work. The app is fully functional while the downloads are in progress. I use the filename as the pID. This makes things easy when the download completes. I have not tested timeouts yet. That's the next step, handling the in/out of network access/slow network speed. Standby....
This is the guts of the asysnc file downloading:
command StartBackgroundImageDownload pImageName
   local pHeaders, tStatus
   put tsNetGetFile(pImageName, Get_Path("Updates")&pImageName,  \
         ""& \
         urlencode(pImageName), pHeaders, "DownLoadBackgroundImageComplete") into  tStatus-- start download
   if tStatus is not empty then
         answer tStatus
         end if
end StartBackgroundImageDownload

on DownLoadBackgroundImageComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
   local tData, tHeaders
   --answer "File==>"&pID&cr&"Bytes==>"&pBytes&cr&"Result==>"&pResult&cr&"CurlCode==>"&pCurlCode
   if pCurlCode is not 0 then
         answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
      if pResult = 404 then
         answer "File'"&&pID&&"not found==>"&pBytes&&"Result==>"&pResult
         delete file Get_Path("Updates")&pID -- delete file with 404 error in it
         --answer "File==>"&pID&cr&"Bytes==>"&pBytes&cr&"Result==>"&pResult&cr&"CurlCode==>"&pCurlCode
         if pBytes > 2000 then -- GOOD DOWNLOAD
            rename file (Get_Path("Updates")&pID) to (Get_Path("BackgroundImages")&pID) -- file download complete
               --answer "File'"&&pID&&"has been downloaded. Result==>"&pResult
               answer "File'"&&pID&&"has been downloaded but is too small==>"&pBytes&&"Result==>"&pResult -- this was before I had the 404 check
               delete file Get_Path("Updates")&pID
         end if
      end if
   end if
   tsNetCloseConn pID
end DownLoadBackgroundImageComplete


Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2017 2:21 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Subject: Re: libUrl tsNet and socketTimeoutInterval

Awesome Ralph:

Looks like we need to crowd fund Charles for documentation (smile)

You are about 3 days ahead of me… can you post some code snippets  of your methods?


On 12/7/17, 1:54 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Ralph DiMola via use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of use-livecode at> wrote:

    Ok, I just got async tsNet working in IDE and Android(Testing iOS later). I works great! Hat tip to all the contributors. One question and one Observation:
    1) How do you query the current tsNet timeout settings? I have quite a few places where I save the socketTimeoutInterval, set it to a new value, do something and then set it back to the saved timeout. I don't see a way to query this in the dictionary.
    2) I seems the you don't need to do a "tsNetInit" in the IDE. In the IDE one gets "tsneterr: Already initialized". On Android this error does not occur.
    Ralph DiMola
    IT Director
    Evergreen Information Services
    rdimola at

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