LC Server style survey: co-mingle code w/HTML?

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Dec 6 16:21:57 EST 2017

Wording is a little harsh. A lot of web based systems seem to be working that way these days. We just got notice that we had to upgrade our Compass Sherpa software, which uses an embedded browser, to keep using it. Spiceworks dictates that the core system be updated by certain dates, or certain features will no longer be supported. I do not think this is an issue with On-Rev, but rather the general nature of web based apps themselves. 

The self-contained nature of locally hosted apps shielded us from this, as company A could upgrade if they wanted, and company B did not have to. This sucked for the software vendor because how long were they expected to support a release? With web hosted products, regular updating is going to be par for the course, and if it's problematic with Wordpress in that it seems that plugins or addons may also have to be updated, well that is the nature of the thing. 

Bob S

> On Dec 6, 2017, at 12:18 , Rick Harrison via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I objected to the fact that Run-Rev hyped Wordpress to
> it’s On-Rev users, and after encouraging them to 
> snap it up, then later slapped them. 

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