livecode changes image colors without being asked to do it

Mark Waddingham mark at
Thu Aug 31 11:07:03 EDT 2017

Hi Robert,

Are you able to file a bug with the offending image?

The engine does handle colour profiles in many cases so there may be an issue with that kind of profile (if the image has one).

Of course, if the image does not have a profile then it might the engine isn't using an appropriate default.

Warmest Regards,


Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 Aug 2017, at 13:54, Robert Brenstein via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I have a stack that dynamically sets the image that is displayed on a card using
>    set the filename of img vImageName of stack vStackName to vFilePath
> I just encountered a problem with a new batch of jpeg files. Their colors change when they are displayed in the stack. I mean that when I open them in Preview, the color saturation and hue are different than when viewing the same pic in a stack.
> Anything I can do to avoid that or anything I can tell the graphics person to do differently when producing those files in AI?
> RObert
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