Getting a Google MAP
Devin Asay
devin_asay at
Thu Apr 27 17:41:26 EDT 2017
As Mike mentioned, the API call returns image data, so set the filename of an image to the url. Here’s the script from a working demo:
on mouseUp
put urlEncode(fld "address") into tAddress
put urlEncode(fld "city") into tCity
put urlEncode(fld "state") into tState
put the thumbposition of scrollbar "scale" into tScale
put the hilitedButtonName of group "maptype" into tType
put "" into tBaseURL
put "?center=" into tArgList
if tAddress is empty then
--put empty into tArgList
put tAddress & comma after tArgList
end if
put tCity & comma & tState after tArgList
put "&zoom=" & tScale & "&size=512x512&maptype=" & tType after tArgList
# build marker
put urlEncode(fld "m_address") into tMAddress
put urlEncode(fld "m_city") into tMCity
put urlEncode(fld "m_state") into tMState
put the label of btn "color" into tMColor
put toUpper(char 1 of fld "label") into tMLabel
put "&markers=" & "color:" & tMColor & "|label:" & tMLabel & "|" & tMAddress,tMCity,tMState after tArgList
put tBaseURL & tArgList into fld "urlfld"
set the filename of img "map" to fld "urlfld"
end mouseUp
Most of the script is building a URL string with the proper arguments. The last two statements are where you actually display the image.
One thing I will say its that if you want to use it for other than just occasional demos, you will have to register with Google for an API key, when gets tacked on to the end of the argument list for the URL.
If you’d like you can grab the working stack here (from the message box):
go stack URL ""
Hope this helps.
On Apr 27, 2017, at 2:49 PM, William Prothero via use-livecode <use-livecode at<mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
Turns out there is a Google Static Map api. I’m trying to use it, but get no response from my code that indicates an error.
The Static Maps API URL is: <>
From the dictionary, it looks like I can do this: (this is the example in the google docs. It gives me a map when I put the URL into the browser).
on mouseUp
put mapURL() into tURL
put tURL
put URL tURL into x
put x into image “myGMap” —This, obviously won’t work. See below.
end mouseUp
function mapURL
put ",CA&zoom=14&size=400x400&key=AIzaSyCO423QzwaEEBmiw4XjPKzz4Tcg_5bjHv4" into retURL
return retURL
end mapURL
I get text back that looks like that below. It is obviously in some format I can decode in Livecode. I’ve just reached my comfort level with this. How should I decode this. so I can set the imagedata to it?
Bill P
—start of returned text
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Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University
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