Stupid Q No 999: mergeBLE

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Mon Apr 24 15:25:07 EDT 2017

On my Macintosh, when I have my mBot robot recognised by Bluetooth lets 
me see the following
in mergBLE 1.1.15:

This demo both scans for and advertises the service and characteristics 
below along with a random read only characteristic.
Run it on two devices and you should be able to move the slider on each 
device and see the changes on the other device.
Each device will act as both peripheral and central.

Central : unsupported
Peripheral : powered on
Service 47EC425E-633F-4F04-9A65-DEDEB (rest unreadable because field is 
too short)
Central 0372A886-E203-415E-A94A-40-C9D11606
Peripheral Monte's iPhone

which has Nix to do with this:

An Android tablet I have tells me the UUID numbers for the mBot are:

Custom service: 0000FFE1-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB


Custom service: 0000FFE4-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB

So, no "joy" at all.


On 4/24/17 9:49 pm, Roger Eller via use-livecode wrote:
> Have you simply opened the sample mergBLE.livecode stack (buried in the
> LiveCode bundle) on a Mac, making sure that you have bluetooth enabled
> first?
> If your robot is broadcasting its information, the mergBLE stack should at
> least show you something like a name, among the names of other nearby
> bluetooth devices.
> ~Roger
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
>> On 4/24/17 3:54 pm, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode wrote:
>>> You may find this alternative documention of all the functions more
>>> helpful in this context:
>>> No, I don't.
>> Let us just suppose, for the moment, that I want to use a button to PAIR
>> my robot with my computer (not, perhaps,
>> strikingly original), I would imagine (as per that almost completely
>> unhelpful video) a button script something like this (pseudoCode):
>> on mouseUp
>>    scanForPeripheralsWithServices XXX
>>    put XXX into fld "gubbins"
>> end mouseUp
>> but that "alternative" thing does NOT give any information as to how one
>> might achieve that.
>> Then I might like to do this:
>> on mouseUp
>>     send signal[lots of hex numbers] to robot
>> end mouseUp
>> But its as clear as mud.
>> Richmond.
>>> On 23/04/2017 21:56, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode wrote:
>>>> " All of the addons have full documentation making it a joy to use them
>>>> in
>>>> your app."
>>>> Well I am unfortunately missing 2 things: "full" documentation (extremely
>>>> minimal in the LC Documentation stack),
>>>> and the "joy": te second as a consequence of the first.
>>>> Richmond.
>>>> On 4/23/17 10:59 pm, Roger Eller via use-livecode wrote:
>>>>> Have you looked at the mergBLE commands in the LC dictionary?
>>>>> mergBLEConnectPeripheral pUUID
>>>>> Monte will likely have the answers you seek.
>>>>> ~Roger
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 6:38 AM, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode <
>>>>> use-livecode at> wrote:
>>>>> So, here I am with Livecode 8.1.3 Indy (owing to the generosity of a
>>>>>> donor) which contains mergeBLE
>>>>>> I also own a floor-robot (Blue-Bot), know its UUID and have
>>>>>> complete documentation of commands accepted by the robot.
>>>>>> HOWEVER, I cannot for the life of me work out HOW one would do this
>>>>>> sort
>>>>>> of thing (pseudoCode):
>>>>>> send "AA 03 81 11 04 67" to Bluebot
>>>>>> so the robot would move FORWARD 1 unit.
>>>>>> Richmond.
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