numberFormat affecting array keys???

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Fri Apr 21 12:10:05 EDT 2017

I could, but I will have to figure out how to convert a numberFormat string like "#0.00" to a format incantation, as the dictionary puts it. The goal is to convert ANY number to ANY numeric format, not just solve this one little issue which I could just code around if I wanted. This sort of thing makes my head hurt, but I'll give it a go just for the mental exercise. 

Bob S

> On Apr 21, 2017, at 09:01 , Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> It really doesn't matter though, because the bottom line is that I need to create my own number formatting function, which is no big deal. If it's any good I'll post it for review and refinement. 
> Why not use the existing format(baseString[,valuesList]) function
> instead of scripting you own?

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