use-livecode Digest, Vol 163, Issue 13
Richard Gaskin
ambassador at
Thu Apr 6 21:19:30 EDT 2017
I'm a UX guy, so I advocate for the new user.
If RLE is faster, why penalize IDE users with slow performance?
If PNG is more commonly used, why penalize end-users running standalones?
It may be in the Dictionary, but if we already know the syntax for the
export command, how would we know that we're also supposed to look up
another entry for paintCompression?
Questions like this aren't intended to be harsh. They're intended to
encourage fresh thinking about things that may improve the user experience.
LC's job is to make the distance between "I want to write an app" and "I
just shipped an app!" as short and painless as possible.
Remove the wrinkles, soften the rough edges, and delight emerges....
- rg
hh wrote:
> Richard,
> these are hard words.
> 1) The diff is announced _loudly_ in the dict.
> 2) setting the paintcompression to RLE can speed up significantly in
> most cases. More than 16GB of RAM and huge GPUs are not from the time
> when this was introduced (when you was a young boy with curly hair).
> They choose simply the faster one for the standalone. And there are
> not this much cases where the diff has such a negative effect like
> for Peter R.
>> Richard G, wrote:
>> IMNSHO any differences between IDE and engine defaults should be a
>> preference option or it's a bug.
>> The whole point of using an xTalk is to minimize the differences
>> runtime and development.
>> If the team saw fit to make PNG the default, it should be the
>> default in both environments.
>> If they don't feel strongly enough that it should be the default, it
>> should be a preference option.
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