Trying to make an HTML5 app

pink nabble at
Thu Apr 6 15:47:00 EDT 2017

I am trying to sell the powers that be on getting an HTML5 license, so I made
up a quick little survey app, but I cannot successfully compile and run it.
I'm time limited here, I need to get this working by tomorrow morning if I
hope to get my boss to shell out some money... 

I have a few widgets, namely SVG icons, NavBar, and Segmented Controls.
Otherwise, just some buttons and a scrollbar, minimal scripting 

I have tried compiling with the Community versions of Livecode including:
8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 on both Mac and Windows. 

I keep get the error "To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking
support, see" 

on MacOS,  using LC Community 8.1.4 RC-1: Livecode crashes when compiling 

I've tried numerous stacks, and none of them compile correctly for me, so
here are my questions as a possible HTML5 customer: 
1. What do I need to do to get past the error above? 
2. Does the commercial version of HTML5 work better (or at least
differently) than the Community version? 
3. Is there a "best" version of Livecode to use for compiling HTML5 apps? 

Greg (pink) Miller
mad, pink and dangerous to code
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