Negative Numbers and NumberFormat

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Apr 6 14:47:55 EDT 2017


put format("$ %05.2f",-5.553) into msg
gives $ -5.55

I am sure there is some formatting someone would want that can not be
done with the format function, but most can and without spending the
time to exhaustively test, I suspect that anything you can do with
numberFormat you can do with format.

On 4/6/2017 2:13 PM, hh via use-livecode wrote:
> You forgot to give examples for Bob's original problem?
> The negative numbers ... ;-)
>> Paul D. wrote:
>>> put format("$%0.2f",tMoney) into msg
>>> for tMoney = 5.55, you get $5.55
>>> for tMoney = 5.33333, you get $5.33
>>> want a space between the $, then use
>>> put format("$ %0.2f",tMoney) into msg
>>> want a leading zero and minimum of 2 digits before the decimal point
>>> put format("$ %05.2f",5.553) into msg
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