this stack gets every closeStack message

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Apr 5 01:01:16 EDT 2017

Place a breakpoint in the closeStack handler. When it fires and the 
script goes into debug mode, look at the popdown menu button just to the 
right of the debugging icons at the top left of the script window. 
That's the execution contexts, and it tells you what path the message 
took. The top line of the button list is the handler with the 
breakpoint. Choosing each line in order underneath will trace the path 
the message took before it reached your stack's breakpoint.

On 4/4/17 11:55 PM, Matt Maier via use-livecode wrote:
> That's already what's happening. This stack is getting every closeStack
> message that happens, even the ones that fire off when the IDE's windows
> close. It's just a stack opened from a file. It shouldn't be in between the
> IDE's windows and the the engine.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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