Can we move the use-list to a Google Chat

William Jamieson williamdjamieson at
Fri Sep 30 15:53:37 EDT 2016

I was raised with a computer, with facebook for my friends and google as my
study guide. I don't really understand the use-list's format and have only
attempted to read it maybe 5 times in the 2 years I have been on it.

Forums are great but still remind me of my childhood and are generally used
for specific issues. I would really like a Slack thread that can be
indexed, but to ask people to move away from email might be a little too
technological for most.

As a person who wants to be involved with the community, and seeing that
the answers to a lot of problems and issues are contained in this massive,
unindexed, scattered, blob, of words that spans thousands of emails in my
inbox, I would like to make a plea to use any alternative that works.

I understand that the use-list is for the OG's but let me ask you, at what
cost is it acceptable? Even for the OG's, let me ask you, how many
solutions pointers to the problems you have had do you think are contained
within the history of the use-list? Can you pull them up quickly in an
organized fashion?

William D Jamieson
Amplifiid Education
(408) 692-5356
williamdjamieson at

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