Problem (or something I'm doing odd) with $_POST and LC Server

Alex Tweedly alex at
Tue Sep 27 20:00:14 EDT 2016

I have a script running happily on one web site, moved it over to 
another site and it totally fails; it's a complex script, but I was able 
to reduce it down to the following tiny script (see end of email).

On the new site (hosted on on-rev), the $_POST array is empty, while on 
the other site (hosted on hostm) it properly contains the posted values.

I do see bug 16745 - but that is Windows specific, and is about 
$_POST_RAW - so it's not that.

Is there something I can do (or have done) in my config that would stop 
this working, or would be needed to make it work ?

Working site is   (NB the 
.lc7 extension tells it to use version 7, so it gets 7.1.4)

Failing site is

Any or all suggestions welcome - I can't have a site that doesn't get 
any form input :-)

The fallback is of course to just move this (and all my sites) to my 
hostm account but that doesn't feel right (yet).


-- Alex.


put  "get<br>" & cr
repeat for each key K in $_GET
   put K && ":" && $_GET[K] & "<br>" & CR
end repeat

put  "post<br>" & cr
repeat for each key K in $_POST
   put K && ":" && $_POST[K] & "<br>" & CR
end repeat

put version()


<h1>my Form</H1><br><br>
<form action='ttt.lc7' method='post' accept-charset='utf-8' 
   <input type='hidden' name='c' value='admin'>
   <input type='hidden' name='m' value='upload'>
   <input type='hidden' name='action' value='doUpload'>
<select name="choose library">
<option value="Corbels">Corbels</option>
<option value="Archive">Archive</option>
<option value="Recent">Recent</option>
<option value="Thumbs">Thumbs</option>
<option value="Commissions" selected="selected">Commissions</option>

<br /><br /><br>
<input value="doit" type="submit" name="doit"  /><br>

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