Should merge suppress errors

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Sep 21 12:40:30 EDT 2016

Try this:

on mouseUp
   put "This is [[ foo() ]] a test" into s
   put merge(s)
   put foo()
end mouseUp

function foo
   return 1 + "string"
end foo

Observed result:
"This is a test" appears in the Message Box

Expected result:
LC would throw an error in the foo function.

Now comment out the line that calls merge and try again.

Observed result:  foo triggers an error, as expected.

This suggests that not only are errors within merge operations ignored 
(something worth exploring in itself), but once an error is encountered 
in a merge operation execution seems to stop, but silently.

Bug or feature?

My instincts say "bug", but this appears to be consistent in v6.7 
through 8.1, so maybe there's some benefit to this that's not obvious to me.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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