Fade In and Out on Mobile

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at hindu.org
Wed Oct 26 23:35:17 EDT 2016

jacque at hyperactivesw.com> wrote:

>But apparently we have no cross platform option on Mobile devices.
    Dissolve works on mobile too, and I think it's less load on the CPU than 
    setting blendlevels.
BR: Hmmm another dictionary "outage" ??

under the visual effect entry… 

effectName  [Type]  [Description]

       wipe up -- Desktop / Web
   dissolve  -- # no platform indication at all
   reveal -- desktop/web/iOS, android
This is a case where I believed the dictionary and because the effort to code what I'm looking for would require some non-trivial time/work, I just assumed we could trust the entry and assumed dissolve was desktop only.

I’ll  test it.

Can HQ comment on dissolve re: what platforms are officially supported? And add to the dictionary?



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