conversion of field margins from older version to 8

hh hh at
Tue Oct 25 08:45:59 EDT 2016

The text measurement of LC 8 was a lot improved for using 'modern'
fonts. The _only_ disadvantage to see is the 'topmargin-bug'
depending also on the font used (has it 'good' font metrics?).

With my standard field-settings (LC's default) I use in
preopenCard or preopenStack or ... preopenControl ;-)

-- adjust to your needs, may depend
-- on inherited textFont and textSize
-- standard of LC 8 and later is tM=8
  if the version > 7 then put 6 into tM
  else put 4 into tM
  repeat with i=1 to the num of flds <of this card/group/stack>
     set topMargin of fld i <of this card/group/stack> to tM
  end repeat
  set topMargin of the templateField to tM
or change it _once_ based on old:
  set topMargin of fld i to 2+the topMargin of fld i

or set it based on textSize, textFont and textStyle,
or set it based on platform and operating system version,
or set it based on printer resolution ...

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