Understanding 'the defaultStack'

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Oct 14 23:30:02 EDT 2016

I think the more experienced devs have found ways to work around it. When in doubt, they use absolute references and don't depend on the engine to resolve relative references for them. I'm not sure if that makes your point or counters it. ;-)

Bob S

On Oct 14, 2016, at 14:08 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com<mailto:ambassador at fourthworld.com>> wrote:

Exactly.  It must be working pretty well as it is or we would have had many more confused posts for decades rather than just a dozen only very recently.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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