Modern email library

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Nov 30 11:53:59 EST 2016

I can provide you with scenarios where client side SMTP is a must. Embedded systems which send alerts, such as managed switches, routers, UPS systems, etc. REQUIRE client side SMTP to work. Further, software systems like a managed AV system or a centralized backup system which sends reports to the IT manager cannot wait to have someone come and "approve" each email it wants to send. Even further, busimess management systems like the one we use can often use a client side SMTP or a Mailto: method, but we use the workstations mail client and when working with Outlook, it becomes a bit cumbersome.

SMTP Clients are not the issue, unauthenticated/unencrypted SMTP SERVERS are.

Bob S

On Nov 30, 2016, at 08:42 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at<mailto:ambassador at>> wrote:

Personally, I've never been comfortable relying on client-side SMTP.  I figure that any device configured to allow any app to send arbitrary emails without explicit user intervention will eventually become a spambot, so my hope is that it's only a matter of time before the OS provider puts an end to that.

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