Updating Text-Script Only Stacks in Run-Time, Message Path Memory

Mark Wieder ahsoftware at sonic.net
Sun Nov 6 15:52:11 EST 2016

On 11/06/2016 11:36 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

> This introduces some interesting initialisation issues. What if the initialisation is the thing that changed? What if script local values are not appropriate for the new version? What if there’s some self generating UI that isn’t there because only the script was updated. What if I’m mid merge or rebase and there’s conflict markers in the file so it doesn’t compile?

I don't think this is specific to script-only stacks.
If I have an initialization routine in a sscript and I edit the script 
in the IDE, I won't expect it to get called unless I do so explicitly.

If I edit a behavior script then I expect objects using that behavior 
script to use the new features as soon as I compile the script. I would 
expect that the same would be true of script-only stacks: I edit the 
script, and on saving the text I would expect it to modify what the 
script does. I don't expect that I would have to unload and reload (or 
whatever the proper procedure is) to get the code to stick.

If the script doesn't compile then of course I wouldn't expect the 
executing code to change. But that's no different from the way things 
work now: my experience has been that script-only stacks will fail 
silently on errors or in ways that give no clue as to what went wrong.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at gmail.com

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