Goofy question about Datagrids

Sri sritcp at
Wed Nov 2 13:21:44 EDT 2016

1. The underlying data structure is in the form of an array (dgData). So,
anytime there is frequent access to edit, calculate, and re-display results,
array will have an edge over list. This would be even better if LC
introduced additional array manipulation commands such as (multidimensional)
matrix multiplication, etc.

2. Individual columns can be populated using their own rules (FillinData).
Thus, it is possible, say, to color a row green if the email column of the
row data contains "richmond"

3. Since you can have buttons, checkboxes, images, graphics, etc., in a cell
(not just text), you can have different tools show up in a cell (column-row)
depending on the value of an entry in a different cell in that row.

4. All this with DG table. DG form can do much more, but is not comparable
to a spreadsheet and so is not relevant to your query.


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