Make a $500 Pledge to LiveCode Campaign and we will help you get your WP App in the store MUCH faster

Todd Fabacher tfabacher at
Fri May 20 11:13:33 EDT 2016

Several people have emailed me directly and asked if I can consult and help
them get their first project off the ground using the WP and LiveCode

S,o I will make this offer, for the first 10 people who give $500 to the
Infinite Livecode campaign from now, I & Digital Pomegranate will give 5
hours of One-To-One help on getting WP setup properly,  using the code
library,  designing your App, OAuth 2.0, the business angle of how to
charge more for cloud enabled Apps and anything else you wish to talk
about. We spent over a year and have learned from all the pitfalls, so get
your App to market quicker and more stable.

Just make your $500 pledge now and shoot me an email. I usually charge $300
/ hour for App Architecture, so this is a great deal!!!!

Todd Fabacher &
Digital Pomegranate Team

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