Missing split option?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Wed May 18 12:47:45 EDT 2016

Bob Sneidar wrote:

 > On May 18, 2016, at 08:37 , Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> DGs will give the array directly so I don't need to deal with that
 >> when using those as the Master, but more often I use list fields
 >> for the Master, where it would be convenient to have the array made
 >> in one line.
 > I was thinking of having a hidden data grid for the sole purpose of
 > converting your data to an array. The repeat loop you are looking
 > for may already been written in the datagrid library, which begs the
 > possibility, why not get that function from the datagrid library
 > itself? Might have some methods that will prove useful.

There's a lot of great stuff in the DG code, but this one was easy 
enough to write:

function NamedRowToArray pData
    set the itemdel to tab
    put line 2 of pData into tVals
    put 0 into i
    repeat for each item tKeyName in line 1 of pData
       add 1 to i
       put item i of tVals into tA[tKeyName]
    end repeat
    return tA
end NamedRowToArray

On sample data of 100 fields each with values of > 100 chars (a bit 
larger than most of the data I work with), it returns the array in the 
format I'm looking for in about 1.5 ms, fast enough for UI-related tasks.

Interestingly (though only mildly) I was able to shave off about 1/10th 
of a millisecond by pre-splitting the values rather than using item chunks:

function NamedRowToArray pData
    set the itemdel to tab
    put 0 into i
    put line 2 of pData into tVals
    split tVals by tab
    put line 1 of pData into tKeyNames
    repeat for each item tKeyName in tKeyNames -- line 1 of pData
       add 1 to i
       put tVals[i] into tA[tKeyName]
    end repeat
    return tA
end NamedRowToArray

Even more interesting, that split is only beneficial when dealing with a 
lot of values.  When I reduced the sample set from 100 fields to 10, it 
actually added an extra 1/10th of a millisecond to the time 
(understandable since split requiring chunking anyway, plus a little 
hashing time).

Since the minor difference with pre-splitting the values is negligible 
and data-size dependent, for now I'll stick with the first version since 
to my eye it's more straightforward.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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