Missing split option?

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed May 18 10:45:59 EDT 2016

"by | using | with" are synonyms so far as I can tell from the dictionary. Should be:

split tData with cr and tab

Bob S

> On May 18, 2016, at 07:36 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:
> This morning it seemed natural enough to me to take this data:
> ID    Name      Email
> 101   Richard   rg at somedomain.com
> ...and turn that into an array where the first line determines the key names and the second line consists of the values using this:
>  split tData by column with cr and tab
> I found that when splitting by column the "with" clause throws an error.
> Such cases are for data so small that I don't mind writing a loop to create the array.  But it seems common enough that I would imagine others have tried this and met with similar disappointment that it's not already built in.
> Or is it?  Is there some other syntax I might try to do that?

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