Clearing local variables

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue May 3 19:28:50 EDT 2016

I do the exact same thing Peter. I learned this when I was developing for a dBase accounting application. All their control structures and terminations were commented quite extensively, and I was able to learn dBase and their code specifically because they did.

Bob S

On Apr 30, 2016, at 06:31 , Peter M. Brigham <pmbrig at<mailto:pmbrig at>> wrote:

I generally do the same thing with nested repeats, but my comments are different:

On Apr 30, 2016, at 2:13 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

put 0 into tCounter
repeat with a = 1 to 10
repeat with b = 1 to 10
  repeat with c = 1 to 10
    repeat with d = 1 to 10
      repeat with e = 1 to 10
        add 1 to tCounter
        -- do stuff with variables here
      end repeat  -- e = 1 to 10
      -- more processing
    end repeat  -- d = 1 to 10
    -- more processing
  end repeat  -- c = 1 to 10
  -- more processing
end repeat  -- b = 1 to 10
-- more processing
end repeat  -- a = 1 to 10

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at<mailto:pmbrig at>

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