the detailed folders returning incorrect data

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Jun 30 17:13:20 EDT 2016

On 6/30/2016 4:06 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On 30/06/2016 20:48, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> My understanding is that Windows lacks true POSIX file-system-level
>> permissions as found in Linux and in Unix flavors like macOS.
>> While it does have file attributes, I believe there is no
>> file-system-level support for granting different rights to different
>> users, and that the difference between users isn't managed in the file
>> system, but in the OS layer above it.
> The opposite is true.  The Windows filesystem has direct support for
> fine-grained access control lists that provide very good support for
> restricting many types of access to users and groups.  It's a system
> that's actually considerable more powerful -- and subtle -- that POSIX
> permissions and, as far as I'm aware, LiveCode doesn't currently
> support accessing or manipulating that data at all.
>                                             Peter

Thank you Richard and Peter.

Bug filed at

So quick Googling suggest there may be some code out there where folks
have done mapping between Windows ACLs and POSIX (although not a perfect
mapping, it at least presents whether a folder is writable or a file

Any way, here is hoping that there may be an easy way to make the
returned permission mostly accurate or, if not, update the dictionary.

It would be so much nicer to actually check permissions that tricks like
writing dummy files and checking for errors

-- Paul

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