Control? Object?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Mon Jun 20 10:38:12 EDT 2016

Thank you very much indeed for the comprehensive reply.

I shall deal with the children's confusion by using neither 'object' or 
'control' and
just refer to buttons, fields and so on.

I know this is dodging the issue; but I can see no other way round it at 
the moment.


On 20.06.2016 12:28, Mark Waddingham wrote:
> On 2016-06-19 09:19, Richmond wrote:
>> I am currently teaching some children Livecode programming and ran
>> into some difficulty
>> on Friday when a child asked me why the menus were full of the word 
>> "Control"
>> when I had been talking about "Objects".
>> Well?
>> How about changing every use of the word "Control" to "Object"?
> Replying to the original post, as a lot was mentioned in this thread 
> (it tries to cover most of what came up in the thread, not just this 
> particular question).
> An object (regardless of what language it is rendered in, or with 
> whatever specific kind of 'oop' methodology you care to subscribe to) 
> is simply some state (i.e. variables which are distinct for each 
> instance of the object) with an associated list of 
> handlers/methods/functions which act on that state. (Indeed, really I 
> think one should require that the state is entirely hidden and 
> encapsulated within the object and not visible from the outside world 
> - although most OOP languages do this very very poorly).
> In LiveCode, this is perhaps slightly hidden behind the English-like 
> syntactic sugar. For example, one can imagine that:
>    get the fooBar of myObject
> Is the same as (in a non English-like language):
>    it := myObject.GetFooBar()
> Or something like:
>    copy myObject
> Is the same as (again, in a non English-like language):
>    myObject.Copy()
> Therefore, I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that LiveCode is 
> object-oriented (for some definition of object-oriented). Indeed, it 
> always has been - everyone who has ever programming in an xTalk had 
> been doing object-oriented programming since it started to become 
> 'popular' (HyperCard appeared in 1987, Cfront - the original C++ - 
> appeared in 1985 - although the first 'object oriented' languages such 
> as Simula appeared perhaps a decade before).
> The reason why I tend to hesitate saying LiveCode is object-oriented 
> explicitly (well, up until 8, at least) is that the kind of way you do 
> programming in LiveCode is perhaps not quite the same as what people 
> expect when they hear that 'a language is object oriented'. The 
> LiveCode model is essentially that of aggregation and adaptation, 
> rather than inheritance (people tend to be highly aware of the later, 
> but not aware of the former even though they will be implicitly doing 
> it day-in-day-out in any programming language they are a practitioner 
> of).
> In LiveCode, you build applications by using the building-blocks you 
> drag from the control palette to build more complicated things 
> (aggregation), and then you apply scripts to each object to change the 
> behavior of the building-blocks appropriate to your app (adaptation).
> Now, inheritance is orthogonal to the idea of aggregation and 
> adaptation - and it should be noted that most 'traditional' OOP 
> languages allow you to do inheritance, but you have to build the 
> framework to do aggregation and adaptation yourself (hence why Java, 
> Obj-C, C++ etc. all have a large variety of 'frameworks' you can 
> leverage to actually build apps - if you tried to do so with the 'raw' 
> language, you'll find yourself just reinventing some sort of structure 
> which is probably not too dissimilar to LiveCode's).
> When we added 'behaviors' you could argue that 'inheritance' did 
> actually start to creep in - behaviors allow you to factor out the 
> code which you use to adapt the building blocks (i.e. your scripts) 
> into an informal hierarchy. (Informal here refers to the fact you 
> don't need to make type definitions - which is entirely appropriate to 
> LiveCode which tends not to force that kind of thing on you anywhere - 
> except in Builder, and only then if you really want to).
> With 8, however, you can start to see the 'class inheritance' ability 
> being added to LiveCode - that is what widgets are. i.e. You can write 
> your own building blocks (in LiveCode Builder). (For those of you who 
> have looked at Builder, then although it is not yet explicit - a 
> module is essentially a class - a widget is a module which can have 
> multiple instances and a library is a module which only ever has a 
> single instance).
> So, right now in LiveCode, the objects you have to play with are 
> stacks, cards, audioclips, videoclips, fields, buttons, scrollbars, 
> players, images, buttons, groups, graphics and widgets. However, 
> remember that 'widgets' are a completely extensible set of things, so 
> this list is no longer fixed as it was before.
> To go back to the original point about controls vs objects then this 
> is actually very well defined (indeed, it is embodied in the source of 
> the engine - i.e. how LiveCode is actually implemented). A control is 
> an object which sits on a card or in a group.
> Indeed, you have the following 'inheritance' hierarchy:
>     Object
>        Stack
>        Card
>        AudioClip
>        VideoClip
>        Control
>          Group
>          Field
>          Button
>          Scrollbar
>          Player
>          Image
>          Button
>          Graphic
>          Widget
>            <all widgets>
> This means that a stack is an object, but not a control. A player is a 
> control, and therefore an object. AudioClips and VideoClips aren't 
> really 'controls' in this sense because they sit on a stack , and not 
> a card (although the Import Menu does call them so - which is perhaps 
> the reason for the slight amount of confusion).
> At runtime, objects in LiveCode form themselves into a tree (note this 
> tree is about *ownership* of instances of objects, not inheritance):
>     Stack
>       Substack
>         <same as stack>
>       AudioClips
>       Videoclips
>       Cards
>         Controls
>         Groups
>           Controls
> You use LiveCode Script to attach 'adaptations' to your objects, and 
> the message path allows a simple way for these adaptations to 
> communicate.
> As LiveCode Script does not have 'strong references to objects' (and 
> cannot have them unless we want to lose stringyness entirely - which 
> is actually one of the main differences between Script and Builder) 
> you create named objects in this hierarchy and then manipulate them 
> using chunk expressions - i.e. references are strings describing a 
> path in the object tree such as 'button "Foo" of card "Bar" of stack 
> "Baz".
> Another way to think about this is that, in LiveCode Script, every 
> object must have an explicit name. You use chunk expressions to select 
> an object based on various criteria (type, owner). Once created, 
> objects exist in the tree until they are explicitly deleted.
> Indeed, one of the reasons 'OOP as you see it in other languages' is 
> very unlikely to appear in LiveCode Script is because there is no way 
> to represent a reference to a temporary object which disappears when 
> there are no references to it. As all references must be strings, and 
> strings can sit in arbitrary other strings, there is no way for the 
> engine to ever know when you don't need an object anymore - you have 
> to tell it. I don't really see this as a limitation, however, because 
> that is the object model of LiveCode Script - you adapt named 
> instances of building blocks with your scripts!
> Of course, it would be nice if you could write widgets in 'LiveCode 
> Script' - however, I'm not sure it is entirely appropriate. The 
> stringy type system which Script has compared to Builder means that 
> some things you really need to be able to do to write widgets in the 
> way Builder does become quite tortuous. That being said, there is room 
> for 'Builder' to come closer to 'Script' in terms of its strictness - 
> at least as an option - i.e. Script without the 'everything is a 
> string' concept.
> Perhaps the thing which is much more important at the Script level is 
> the ability to take a collection of LiveCode objects and scripts etc. 
> and wrap them up with an 'inner script' which presents them as a 
> single black-box control - just like a widget. This is the idea of 
> 'template objects', or custom controls 'done properly' (for some 
> definition of properly, of course). This is a recursive application of 
> the ideas which you are already familiar with when you build your apps 
> and has a very nice 'self-similarity' and symmetry ("It's turtles all 
> the way down").
> So, anyway, to sum up:
>    1) Objects and Controls are very well defined concepts in LiveCode 
> and always have been. There might be some places in the docs and IDE, 
> however, where it uses the wrong term and I that should be corrected 
> (i.e. if you notice an instance of this file a report, and we'll look 
> into correcting it).
>    2) LiveCode is definitely object-oriented:
>       i) You build black-box objects in LiveCode Builder (which is, 
> although not explicitly yet exposed, class-based).
>       ii) You aggregate black-box objects together then adapt and glue 
> them together using LiveCode Script.
>    3) LiveCode Script is designed to allow this rapid gluing and 
> adaptation, and as such has a loose stringy type-system and dynamic 
> message path to aid this rapidity.
>    4) LiveCode Builder could become less strict in the future as an 
> option, to make it easier for people who are familiar with Script to 
> write Builder to build widgets.
>    5) LiveCode Script is probably not the thing to use to write 
> widgets, but the ability to be able to package up a group of controls 
> as a black-box just like a widget would be entirely consistent and 
> self-similar with the existing environment.
> The final thing which was touched on in this thread (and indeed was 
> the point of it originally) was about how to teach LiveCode to kids - 
> and I have to say that I'm not sure I'm qualified to actually help 
> there! All I will say is that surely kids at the level you are talking 
> about are able to reason about facts like:
>    i) A Car is Vehicle; a Lorry is a Vehicle; a Car is not a Lorry so 
> not all Vehicles are Cars
>    ii) A Potato is a Vegetable; an Onion is a Vegetable; a Potato is 
> not an Onion so not all Vegetables are Potatoes
> Which has the direct analog with (something similar to):
>    A Control is an Object; a Card is an Object; a Card is not a 
> Control so not all Objects are Controls
> Of course, having just written that, I do remember a number of 
> computer science textbooks I have read (which are aimed at 
> undergraduates) belabouring such points as these (almost in this 
> direct fashion) - which suggests that it isn't a very easy concept to 
> get across even to those who are 18+. i.e. I suspect it is more 
> difficult to teach than I perhaps imagine!
> Warmest Regards,
> Mark.

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