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Glen Bojsza gbojsza at
Sat Jun 18 11:58:03 EDT 2016

There are many iPad apps that when I receive a particular file via email
that I am given a choice which app I can open it with.

My app uses text files and sqlite files and I want the users to be able to
email their files to others.

1. How do you make a LC iOS app so email attachments can be opened?

2. How can you script it so a user can select files on their iOS device and
email them as an attachment?

I was hoping their would be a video tutorial showing these and how an app
can check for updates when opened but I have not found any.

I don't plan to update the app unless new features are added but I do want
to update the text and database files it uses.

Given these questions above are there any constraints on what version of LC
must be used?



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