jsonExport problem

Terry Judd terry.judd at unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jun 13 20:34:42 EDT 2016

I¹m running into problems exporting a large multidimensional array to JSON
using the jsonExport function in LC8. I¹ve been doing this successfully
with other large datasets for a while now but there are particular
elements in my current array that cause an error something like the
following in the script editor...

card "<cardName>":  execution error at line <lineNum> (extension: error
occurred with domain) near ³runtime", char 8

...in response to the following...

put jsonExport(tData) into tJsonData

If I go through all of the array elements in turn it is possible to
identify the problem ones and I can Œfix¹ each of them by doing this...

put empty after tData[<tElement>]

...after which jsonExport() runs just fine.

The problem data was originally sourced from another array that was
populated from a series of xml files using Trevor¹s library for converting
xml data to an array (specifying UTF-8 encoding during the conversion).

Any ideas on what might be going on? Like I mentioned, I can Œfix' the
data before exporting it but that¹s probably not a long term solution.



Terry Judd  | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Department of Medical Education
The University of Melbourne <http://www.unimelb.edu.au>
E: terry.judd at unimelb.edu.au <mailto:tsj at unimelb.edu.au>

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