When is open stack sent on Mobile

Mark Waddingham mark at livecode.com
Thu Jul 28 12:43:15 EDT 2016

On 2016-07-28 01:25, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> It appears on mobile you can issue
> go stack "stackOne"
> and then later
> go stack "stackTwo"
> and then you will only see "stackOne"
> But if you have links that go backto "stackOne"  I'm not getting any
> open stack or open card messages handlers to fire.  I suspect that's
> because they are still.
> Anyone else using multiple stacks in a mobile app…and found a way to
> trap for when a stack does into the background and the comes back into
> the foreground (takes over the screen() unfortunately, suspend and
> resume, are not available on mobile.

Stacks on mobile and desktop work in the same way so if you 'go stack' 
then it opens the new stack (if it is not already open) and moves it 
(notionally) to the top (just as happens on desktop - the window of the 
target of 'go' is brought to the front of that layer).

If you use 'go stack ... in window ...' then it will close the current 
stack and open the new one.

The suspend / resume messages would be inappropriate here as they are to 
do with switching applications rather than windows (and are not 
currently sent on mobile).

The suspendStack / resumeStack messages are tied to window focus and 
aren't platform specific - they are sent when the stack with input focus 
changes. The fact they apparantly work on iOS and not Android is 
slightly strange, as that mechanism is implemented (on mobile) in the 
platform-independent code so it should work the same way on both. So, 
there is obviously something slightly amiss going on there.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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