Move to the points

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Wed Jul 27 09:46:30 EDT 2016

Of course part of this could be the problem that my initial curve 
generation script leaves empty lines in

the listField that contains the points of the curve.


On 27.07.2016 16:44, Richmond wrote:
> So I have a graphic object generated like this:
> on mouseUp
>    put empty into fld "f1"
>    put 0.1 into KOUNT
>    repeat until KOUNT > 12.6
>       put (KOUNT * 10) into LYNE
>       put ( ( ((sin (KOUNT)) * (cos (KOUNT)) ) * 300) + 400) into LR
>       put ((((cos (KOUNT)) ) * 300) +400) into TB
>       put (LR & "," & TB) into line LYNE of fld "f1"
>       add 0.1 to KOUNT
>    end repeat
>    set the points of grc "c1" to fld "f1"
> end mouseUp
> (where grc "c1" is a pre-existing graphic)
> and a button containing this:
> on mouseUp
>    move grc "g1" to the points of grc "c1" in 10 seconds
> end mouseUp
> and all should be fine, but it isn't, because on attempted execution 
> of the button I get this:
> "button "GO": execution error at line 2 (move: end point is not a 
> point), char 21".
> All very mysterious, Richmond.
> P.S. Before Mark, Jacque or Richard try it; there is a comma before my 
> name!

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