[OT] Vertical Tab

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 11:46:53 EDT 2016

I am a pinhead: I ended up dipping into that horrible VB6 book again.

Any way I bumped up against ye olde ASCII codes and 'Vertical Tab' 
(ASCII 11) [something

I had never heard of before]. So, "just for a laugh" I popped this into 
a button:

on mouseUp
    set the text of fld "fText" to numToCodePoint(77) & 
numToCodePoint(11) & numToCodePoint(77)
end mouseUp

and started wondering what possible advantages Vertical Tab might have over

a CR (13) or a LF (10):

I set up 2 more buttons using CR and LF respectively and found that the 
behaved oddly

in that

on mouseUp
    set the text of fld "fText" to numToCodePoint(77) & 
numToCodePoint(13) & numToCodePoint(77)
end mouseUp

gave me a single 'M' in the field

while LF, as far as I could see, was functionally the same as Vertical Teb.

I am aware that historically Vertical Tab was used to play around with 
dot-matrix printers,

but the only place I've seen one of them recently is in ALL the 
supermarkets in Bulgaria (!!!).


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